Pumpkin casserole “Hare Glade”

Pumpkin pie “Hare Glade”


● pumpkin (1 pc.),

● lemon (1 pc.),

● honey (1 tbsp. l.),

● sugar (1 tbsp. l.),

● cottage cheese (200 g),

● sour cream (200 g),

● raisins (50 g),

● plum (100 g),

● dried cranberries or lingonberries (50 g).


Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes and place on a baking sheet. Grate the frozen lemon with the zest on top. Sprinkle sugar over dried or frozen cranberries or lingonberries and raisins. Add prunes. Several layers can be laid out. Add a spoonful of honey and cottage cheese to the sour cream, mix and pour the pumpkin with this mixture. Bake in the oven at 180-200 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

Tasty both hot and cold. Sour cream can be served with a hot casserole.

Where to enjoy:

Farmstead "Krolich'ya Nora"

Karina Petukhovskaya

+ 375 (29) 397-07-06

[email protected]

Minsk Region, Minsk district, v. Gonoles, 10
