Indian pellet


●flour (1 Cup),

●eggs (1 piece),

●soda slaked vinegar (1 tsp),

●salt (1 tsp),

●kefir Causey (1000 ml)

● pumpkin (500 g),

●honey (2 tbsp),

●vegetable oil (2 tbsp).


Sweet peeled pumpkin grate, add flour, egg, salt, honey, yogurt, repaid soda, it's okay smeezy. On a heated pan with oil, a tablespoon put the dough. Fry both sides until Golden brown. Serve with honey or sour cream.

Where to enjoy

The Property Of“Utrina

Natalia Trofimova

+375 (44) 7583635

[email protected]

Vitebsk region, Glubokoe district R-n, d. Mortuaries, ul. Podlesnaya, d. 7
