Cutlets in molodechno style


● beef kidney (200 g),

● boneless pork (200 g),

● brains (150g),

● potatoes (1 piece),

● fat (1 tbsp),

● onions (1-2 PCs.)

● vinegar (1 tbsp),

● breadcrumbs (2-3 tbsp),

● salt,

● pepper.


Remove the fat and film from the kidneys, wash, and fill with cold water. When the water boils, drain it, wash the kidneys again, pour fresh water again, and cook.

Wash the brains, remove the film, put them in salted water with vinegar, and cook for 4-5 minutes.

Pork together with the prepared kidneys and brains, as well as onions, pass through a meat grinder, add grated potatoes, salt, pepper, and mix. From the resulting mass, form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides.

Where to enjoy

The Farmstead Korytko

Olesya Korytko

+375 (29) 311-44-20

[email protected]

Minsk region, Molodechno district, D. Nosilovo, street Soviet, d. 43A
