Pancakes in Pripyat


● potatoes (260 g)

● flour (5 g),

● onion (55 g)

● eggs (20 g),

● oil (30 g),

● minced pork (75 g)

● mushrooms (60 g),

● sour cream,

● the greens.


Abarnou raw potatoes and onions mash, add flour, salt, eggs, mix thoroughly.

In a pan, put the pancakes on their surface to put the stuffing, pour sour cream and bake at 210-220 °C for 5-10 minutes until Golden brown.

Stuffing: pork cut into strips, boiled mushrooms and onions cut into strips. On a heated pan put the meat, mushrooms and sauté 5 minutes, stirring constantly, then add the onion and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Where to enjoy

National Park Pripyatski+375 (29) 125-00-95
[email protected]

Gomel region, Petrikov district, and. the town of Lyaskovichi, ul. Sasha Glushko, d. 7A
