Berries and Fruits

Where to go: Samokhvalovichi village, Kovaleva str., building 2

What to ask the locals about: Institute of fruit-growing of the Academy of Sciences

Here you can try for free and buy cheaply the best varieties of berries and fruits that are bred by Belarusian scientists - sweet cherries, apples, cherries, plums, grapes, nuts. The local gardens are so cool that they are recognized as a cultural heritage site. A moment of pride: more than 40 domestic varieties successfully compete on the market with similar overseas ones.

Another bonus: anyone can come to the Institute on their own; they will be given a ladder and a bucket – to collect berries and fruits. At the same time, the price per kilogram will be several times lower than in Minsk. And if you find academic secretary of the Institute Marina Shalkevich, then you will not escape a tour and the stories about the achievements of science.

The materials are taken from the website with the permission of the organizers of "Borjomi" gastronomic project.